Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Free Day!

I've had a rough couple of last months. Some pretty negative stuff that I wish wasn't happening and haven't been able to avoid. As it turns out though, I got a lot done that needed doing, and that I had been putting off, so the 'every cloud has a silver lining' thing applies! I really don't like spending days on end getting paperwork done in Loja. The systems here are small scale for a lager scale population, and have to handle too much work, everything is just soooo slow. Circumstances have forced me to go and get it done. I missed being home in my own bed and on the farm! But perhaps some of this time in town lately has at least been productive, although I would have appreciated a gentler prodding to get off my ass and get papers in order! 
Which makes today special! I have a that rare day with no obligations elsewhere. A day off! I've had really good French toast for breakfast- home made bread with fresh ground wheat, sweet butter and goats milk and farm eggs and organic sugar cane panela. Fresh ground cafe, also with goats milk. I milked the goat early. Morty and Gladys, our piggies, have been fed and cared for, I've gotten salt to our cow and big calf, the dogs have been fed. I'm writing this blog to all of you from the comfort of my super sofa and then shutting down the internet for the day. What shall I do?!
A nice long soak in a sweet spot at the creek and dry off in the sun, washing the dogs might be a good idea. Wish I could wash the CAT! Tinks a flea bag just now, he needs to get cleaned up. Wash the cat. Maybe not the ideal day off activity...
Read a book, take a nap in our new hammock. Go stare at the micro hydro electric- this is actually a joy in my life! We need to make some fixes and changes, but it's sooooo cool!
Neverland farm is now open to visitors, we have room and plenty to do. Our veggie production is way down, we are buying off the farm, and planting. We are planting thousands of baby cafe trees on the farm and at neighbors farms these days, participating in a ministry of agriculture project. It seems the little winter rains (our planting rains) may come early this year, so we have to be cultivating and getting space ready for seed! We have plenty of fruit, probably another few weeks til avocados are ripening. 
A day off paradise! Come and join us, sharing laughter, lives, work, and community! Off to the creek go I!